Sardinian Observations
Categories: 2012, Art, History, Modernism
We tend to think of indigenous Sardinian construction as robust and direct although not particularly refined. This is due in large part to the widely published images of nuraghi, the stone towers that gave name to the Nuragic Era. There is, however, another archetypal form of masonry from the Nuragic Era. This is the precisely cut stonework of the pozzi saccri (sacred wells).
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Carl Stein Presents “Sustainability Lessons on Modernism” at the Scuola di Architettura Universita di Cagliari
Categories: 2012, Modernism, Sustainability
Villa Tugendhat Day in New York
Following up on our previous post: On October 1st, the Bohemian National Hall , at 321 East 73rd Street will host an afternoon and evening devoted to Mies van der Rohe’s recently restored Villa Tugendhat.
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Mies van der Rohe’s Villa Tugendhat in Brno, Czech Republic
The work of Mies van der Rohe is often viewed as being exercises in purist geometry, dry and mathematical.
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Reflections on Artist Costantino Nivola
Reflections on the Artist: Costantino Nivola. A collection of images from Carl Stein's recent presentation at the Italian Embassy in Washington DC It’s not possible to describe Costantino Nivola – Tino – in a few paragraphs or a few pages. His art as well as the sum total of his…
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Shepard Hall: Buildings = Energy Exhibition at The Center for Architecture, New York City
Categories: 2011, Energy Efficiency, Landmarks, Sustainability
Elemental is proud to announce that it’s award-winning historic reconstruction of Shepard Hall at The City College of New York is included in the current exhibition on view at the Center for Architecture in New York City as part of the month-long celebration Archtober. The exhibition explores how critical choices…
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Carl Stein to Deliver Keynote Address at GRCA International Congress – Istanbul
Categories: 2011, Research, Sustainability
Elemental Architecture, a firm recognized for its pioneering work in sustainable architecture, design and advocacy is pleased to announce that founding principal Carl Stein, FAIA will be delivering a keynote address at the 16th International Congress on GRC in Istanbul, Turkey on September 6, 2011. The four-day conference brings representatives…
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The Restoration of Shepard Hall – an Interview with Carl Stein
Categories: 2011, Sustainability
Elemental Architecture’s award winning process for restoring City College’s Shepard Hall, discussed in an in-depth interview with Carl Stein on PROSOCO’s blog, “Green Journey” Shepard Hall Restoration
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New York Times – The Gas is Greener: A Response
Categories: 2011, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
Robert Bryce’s June 7, 2011 Op-ed in the New York Times “The Gas is Greener” zeros in on a fundamental fault in the logic of depending on solar, wind and other renewables as primary sources of energy. As Bryce correctly points out, generating large quantities of electricity from renewable sources…
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Exhibition: Drawings by Costantino Nivola & Online Gallery of Collaborations
I follow the thin black line. Drawings by Costantino Nivola Although Costantino Nivola was an extraordinary draftsman, and for almost ten years had worked as a graphic designer and a professional illustrator, he regarded himself above all as a sculptor, or more precisely a sculptor-builder, heir to the ancient nuraghi…
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John Barboni Featured in NY Times Style Magazine
John Barboni, co-founder of elemental, is featured in the New York Times T Magazine's article "Dinner at 8" by Stephanie LaCava.
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Does Saving Historic Buildings Really Save Energy? – A Response
Categories: 2011, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
In a recent posting on BuildingGreen.com, “Does Saving Historic Buildings Really Save Energy?” Tristan Roberts pointed out a number of benefits that may be realized by the adaptive reuse of older buildings; however, he dismissed the notion that there is value in the energy embodied in these structures. While he is…
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Datum International – Disaster Mitigation Site
Categories: 2011, Sustainability
We highly recommend visiting friend and colleague, James Lewis' Datum International . While relevant in regards to current events, the site also offers valuable insight and is closely connected to Elemental Architecture's goals.
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Publish or Perish: A Response
Categories: 2011, Sustainability
Residential Architect Magazine editor, S. Claire Conroy, writes in the November/December 2010 issue on architects and social media. We offer a response: Ms. Conroy; Your observations in your piece “Publish or Perish” are well taken and I believe true, however, I would offer that rather than cast online forums such…
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Tom Abraham Named to Inaugural ENR New York “Top 20 Under 40”
New York (02.09.2011) – Elemental Architecture, a firm recognized for its pioneering work in sustainable architecture, design and advocacy, is pleased to announce that Tom Abraham, Principal & Co-founder has been named to ENR New York | McGraw-Hill Construction's inaugural “Top 20 Under 40.” The list showcases exceptional A/E/C industry…
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Greening Modernism Challenges Current Sustainable Values
Categories: 2011, Modernism, Sustainability
A Brief Recap of Last Night’s Inaugural AIANY Oculus Book Talk Series with Carl Stein at New York City’s Center for Architecture as reported by Maxinne Rhea Leighton, Assoc. AIA: Carl Stein, FAIA’s Greening Modernism: Preservation, Sustainability and the Modern Movement (W.W. Norton & Company, 11.29.10) offers a compelling and…
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Carl Stein to Deliver Inaugural Lecture for the AIA Oculus Book Talk Series
Categories: 2010, Modernism, Sustainability
Carl Stein, FAIA, principal of Elemental Architecture, has been selected to deliver the inaugural lecture for the AIA Oculus Book Talk Series on his recent publication 'Greening Modernism' at New York City's Center for Architecture on Monday, January 10th, 2011 at 6:00pm.
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Elemental Hosts ‘Greening Modernism’ Launch Party
Categories: 2010, Energy Efficiency, Modernism, Publicity, Sustainability
Last Thursday, December 9th, Elemental hosted the launch party for principal founder Carl Stein's new book "Greening Modernism". Tom Stoelker of the Architect's Newspaper writes: bodacious bourbon pours complimented savory vittles at the yet-to-be-opened Hudson Clearwater in Greenwich Village last night. The restaurant’s first event launched Carl Stein’s new book, Greening…
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Elemental’s Historic Reconstruction of Shepard Hall Featured by The Architects Newspaper
In Detail> City College's masterpiece Shepard Hall gets a long-awaited restoration, gargoyles and all. Read Aaron Seward's full article here.
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Elemental Featured in AIANY’s ‘Made in New York’ Exhibit
This week the AIA New York Chapter / Center for Architecture took over the West 4th Street subway station to present Made in New York – an architectural showcase of projects by Chapter members. Elemental Architecture's new Private Residence in Croton-on-Hudson is among the work featured in the exhibit.
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NYT – When Green Building Is Not Green Enough: A Response
Categories: 2010, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
Mr. Zeller writes in his NY Times “Green” Blog post “When Green Building Is Not Green Enough” that “the nation’s building stock plays a bigger role in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions than many Americans might realize.” This is only true (a) because many Americans have chosen to ignore…
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Affordable Housing & Sustainable Action
Categories: 2010, Sustainability
@LATimes http://ow.ly/2GW1V thoughtful piece but implies green as add-on rather than integral. See Carl Stein’s Mt. Airy Woods Affordable Housing Project as an alternative.
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Commemorating The First Women’s Rights Convention
On July 19th and 20th 1848, the first Women’s Rights Convention was held, resulting in the drafting of the Declaration of Sentiments which became the foundation for the struggle for full equality for women, including the right to vote which was not granted until the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in…
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Two Elemental Projects in latest AIA Guide to NYC
Elemental is pleased to announce that two projects have been selected for the latest edition of the AIA Guide to New York City.
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St. Vincent’s (A Lesson Learned the Hard Way)
Categories: 2010, Sustainability
The precipitous collapse of St. Vincent’s came as a shock to many, if not most Village residents. It shouldn’t have. Despite the dense obfuscation by the hospital’s administration, there were adequate signs for all to see. While there is little to be gained from finger-pointing, understanding what went wrong offers…
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Elemental Announces Michelle Black, AIA as Associate
Categories: 2010, Uncategorized
New York (06.21.2010) – Elemental Architecture, a firm recognized for its pioneering work in sustainable architecture, design and advocacy, has announced the promotion of Catherine Michelle Black, AIA, LEED AP to Associate. Having joined elemental in 2006, Michelle oversees project teams to define, develop and coordinate issues of programming, design,…
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Commemorating Walt Whitman’s 191st Birthday
Categories: 2010, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
Yesterday, May 31st, commemorated Walt Whitman’s 191st birthday. His modest birth-home, a farmhouse, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Our design of the adjacent interpretative center was conceived to shelter the farmhouse and visitor experience from the bustle of twenty-first century Long Island; the natural and built…
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New York Times Op-Ed: Don’t LEED Us Astray
Categories: 2010, Sustainability
In the May 19th issue of the #NYTimes, Alec Appelbaum writes a well positioned Op-Ed piece on the question of green, LEED-rated buildings potentially loosing their luster once in full operation. Mr. Appelbaum essentially promotes the idea of a creating an incentive program for buildings to go beyond LEED certification,…
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Invitation – Westbeth Artists Housing 40th Anniversary Celebration
You are cordially invited to join the Westbeth Artists Housing Association in celebrating its 40th Anniversary and designation as a National Historic Landmark on Monday, May 3, 2010.
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South Jamaica Branch Library – AIA COTE Top Ten Green Projects Award
Categories: 2010, Publicity, Sustainability
In recognition of Earth Day, the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment (COTE) annually recognizes the Top Ten Green Projects in the profession. The COTE Top Ten Award is considered by many as the best recognition program for sustainable design excellence. In 2000, the South Jamaica Branch library…
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Construction Update: Shepard Hall TSRU Models
Categories: 2010, Construction Updates, Landmarks
Fabrication has begun of the models needed for the production molds for the thin-shell replicas that will replace the deteriorated terra cotta. Together with the previous nine phases, more than 60,000 pieces have been replaced making this by far the largest historic reconstruction of its kind in the world.
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Carl Stein to Speak at AIANY Symposium
Categories: 2010, Landmarks, Modernism
Carl Stein, FAIA will speak as part of the "Modernism by Choice: The Economy, Politics, and Sustainability of Preservation" symposium this Saturday at AIANY Center for Architecture. The symposium is in conjunction with the World Monuments Fund's "Modernism at Risk" exhibition on view at the Center through May 1, 2010.…
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FDNY Rescue 1 in The Architect’s Newspaper
Aaron Seward of the 'Architect's Newspaper' discusses our design of Rescue Company 1 as the first among a new generation of firehouses for elite FDNY companies. Read the post here.
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Construction Update: Shepard Hall Entry Ramp & Facade Work
Entry Ramp Takes Shape: Central to the entry redesign is the reconstruction of the original ground floor entrance. In addition to the salvaged schist stone wall, concrete retaining walls form the stair opening leading down to the original lower level stone arch entry. Earth and gravel fill are compacted to…
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Carl Stein – Renewable Energy World North America: “Renewable but Finite”
Categories: 2009, Sustainability
Carl Stein's article in Renewable Energy World North America 'Defining Renewable' segment is available in print and for download now. As Carl concludes: "With remarkable shortsightedness, we have come to believe that the petroleum-era paradigm which was made possible by the availability of plentiful, cheap energy represents the natural order.…
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Construction Update: Shepard Hall, Concrete Underpinning
As construction continues, efforts to utilize the original schist stone entry ramp wall that was recently unearthed continue to make progress. Concrete underpinning (for an explanation of underpinning, click here) along with new steel reinforcement, will allow the original schist stone wall to be incorporated into the new entry design.
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Carl Stein Speaks on Sustainable Future for Stony Brook Southampton
Categories: 2009, Sustainability
Principal founder of elemental, Carl Stein, FAIA, addressed a gathering of local activists, artists, designers, educators, environmentalists, and planners at the Southampton campus of Stony Brook University last Friday, October 9th. The event sparked an effective and engaging dialogue about the sustainable future of the SUNY campus.
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PlaNYC Proposal Calls for Energy Audits of Buildings 50,000 sf or More
Categories: 2009, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
According to a NYT article, as part of Mayor Bloomberg’s PlanNYC, a proposal seeks to employ mandatory energy audits of existing structures of 50,000 square feet or more and requires owners to make certain improvements to make the buildings more energy efficient. James F. Gennaro, chairman of the council’s environmental…
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AIA NY Now Exhibit Features Shepard Hall
Last night, the AIA New York help me write my essay Chapter / Center for Architecture took over the West 4th Street subway station for the opening of their New York Now architecture showcase. Elemental Architecture's historic reconstruction of New York City Landmark Gothic Revival building, Shepard Hall at the…
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Invite: Setting the Agenda for a Sustainable Future at Stony Brook Southampton SUNY
Categories: 2009, Sustainability
Join us for a Conversation with the Community Friday, October 9th 2009, 7:30pm-9:00pm Avram Gallery at Stony Brook, Southampton SUNY Curated by Carl Stein, FAIA & Marc Fasanella
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Administration Urges ‘Hard Changes’ in Green Mindset
Categories: 2009, Energy Efficiency
Director of long-term planning and sustainability for the Bloomberg Administration Rohit Aggarwala tells an audience at The Urban Green Council (the newly renamed NY Chapter of the USGBC) that the building community now needs to address questions that go beyond a property’s design and construction.
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Construction Update: Shepard Hall Original Entry Wall Fully Revealed
Along with the recently unearthed entry stairs, a major portion of the original entry wall has been unearthed. Following inspection, the team is now evaluating how this remnant of the original entry can be incorporated into the reconstruction. The wall, constructed of Manhattan schist likely from the building site, was…
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Piazza Sebastiano Satta on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
On this week's episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, Tony travels to his wife's homeland of Sardinia. During the episode, the Bourdain family spends time walking through Piazza Sebastiano Satta designed by the late Richard Stein, FAIA (father and partner to elemental founder Carl Stein) and noted Sardinian sculptor Constantino…
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USD/CBRE Study Finds That Employees in Green Buildings Are More Productive
Categories: 2009, Uncategorized
Researchers at the University of San Diego’s Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate and CB Richard Ellis have found that employees who work in green buildings are more productive than their counterparts who work in non-green buildings. Green buildings were defined as those that are LEED-certified at any level or those…
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Carl Stein: Preserving the Past, Building for the Future – City College
Carl Stein is interviewed about the history and preservation efforts by elemental at Shepard Hall as part of the College’s Centennial celebration
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Construction Update: Shepard Hall Original Entry Stairs Revealed
As demolition and excavation progress continues for the newly designed building entry, a essay writing services startling discovery: the original entry stairs built in 1907, long believed to have been demolished, are found buried under earthwork fill below the recently removed concrete ramp.
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NYT: The Bottom Line on Corporate Sustainability
Categories: 2009, Sustainability
Today in the Green Inc. blog of the New York Times, a fascinating study by the Harvard Business Review about corporate sustainability being a “key driver” of innovation that also yields real financial rewards rather than extra cost is discussed. We’re still reviewing the study and will contribute our thoughts…
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Follow Elemental on Facebook & Twitter
Categories: 2009, Sustainability
Elemental is on Facebook. Become a fan and keep up with our latest news, construction updates and general interest postings. We can also be followed on Twitter as elementalnyc.
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NYT: Some Buildings Not Living Up to Green Label
Categories: 2009, Sustainability
In today’s New York Times there is a telling article that talks about the ‘soft underbelly’ of LEED. The article observes that many LEED-rated buildings perform well below their projected levels.
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Elemental Selected as Finalist for Scenic Hudson Land Trust
Categories: 2009, Publicity, Sustainability
Elemental has been selected as one of five finalist firms for the design of a new kayak pavilion and historic reconstruction of the Red Barn for The Scenic Hudson Land Trust Long Dock Beacon site.
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McKinsey: Energy Improvements Can Save $1.2 Trillion Through 2020
Categories: 2009, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
A new report on energy efficiency from McKinsey found that the US alone could save $1.2 trillion through 2020, by investing $520 billion in improvements like sealing leaking building ductwork and replacing inefficient household appliances with new, energy-saving models. The report recommends such items as education about potential energy efficiency…
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Elemental Commissioned to Design New Midtown Medical Facility
Categories: 2009, Uncategorized
Elemental has been selected to complete the interior design and planning of a new 16,000 sf medical facility in Midtown Manhattan. The charge is to create a multi-tenant facility that is both modern, inviting and sensitive to the patient experience. Stay tuned for design and construction updates.
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Construction Update: Shepard Hall Reconstruction Kicks-off
Categories: 2009, Landmarks, Sustainability
The 9th & 10th phases of the award-winning historic reconstruction of Shepard Hall at the City College of New York has officially begun. The project, which includes the replacement of nearly 8,000 pieces of failing terra cotta sculpture ornament with new glass-fiber reinforced concrete replacement units and a new main…
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Marcel Breuer’s Atlanta Library Threatened
Categories: 2009, Landmarks, Sustainability
As the debate over the preservation of what is considered to be Marcel Breather's last project continues, Carl Stein is mentioned as one of the Library's creative contributors here. Carl, prior to departing the Breuer office to join his father Richard Stein, FAIA to form The Stein Partnership, served as…
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Empire State Building Becomes More Energy Efficient
Categories: 2009, Energy Efficiency
Jones Lang & Lasalle released their white-paper on their spearheaded efforts to make the Empire State Building more energy efficient.
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Elemental Selected as Finalist for SUNY Cortland Memorial Library
Categories: 2009, Uncategorized
Elemental has been selected as one of five finalist firms to prepare a feasibility study for the replanning of the campus library at SUNY Cortland.
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Elemental in CNN Money & Fortune
Categories: 2008, Sine Elemental
Elemental is featured in Dr. Alexander Stein’s December 2008 column on CNN Money and also as the Fortune Small Business cover story entitled “Fear and the Entrepreneur” .
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Co-Founders at CCNY Final Reviews
Categories: 2008, Uncategorized
Co-founders Carl Stein, FAIA, Tom Abraham AIA, and John Barboni are invited jurors for the Masters in Architecture final design studio reviews at the City College of New York School of Architecture.
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Carl Stein Speaks on Sustainability & Modernism
Categories: 2008, Modernism, Sustainability
Carl Stein, FAIA co-founder, is invited to speak on Sustainability & Modernism in Cleveland, Ohio for the closing lecture of the ‘Bauhaus on the Brink’ series.
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Being Green One Element at a Time
Categories: 2008, Publicity, Sine Elemental, Sustainability
John Barboni, co-founder, is interviewed by Christine Haskell for the Seattle Examiner and Startup Nation on sustainability and elemental.
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Elemental Selected as Finalist for Page Hall
Categories: 2008, Uncategorized
Elemental is selected as one of five finalist firms to prepare a feasibility study for Page Hall at SUNY Albany
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The Great Hall at Open House NY
Elemental co-founders Carl Stein, FAIA & Tom Abraham, AIA give tours of the Great Hall at Shepard Hall, The City College of New York.
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Elemental Selected as Finalists for RPC
Categories: 2008, Uncategorized
Elemental has been selected as one of five finalist firms for the design of two new support facility buildings at the Rockland Psychiatric Center
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Carl Stein, Panelist, on Global Warming at PelhamGreen
Categories: 2008, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
Carl Stein, FAIA co-founder, is invited to speak on “The Role of Design and Planning” on the ‘Global Warming: Global View, Big Solutions’ panel hosted by the Pelham Green Task Force.
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Elemental Selected as Finalists for City of Peekskill
Categories: 2008, Uncategorized
Elemental has been selected as a finalist firm for the re-planning of the Municipal Building for the City of Peekskill, NY
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John Barboni Featured in D Magazine Italy
Categories: 2008, Publicity, Sine Elemental
John Barboni, co-founder of elemental, is selected by fashion photographer Simon Burstall for a feature profiling downtown New York City's creative force.
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John Barboni Featured in Uomo Japan
Categories: 2008, Publicity, Sine Elemental
John Barboni, co-founder, is selected by fashion brand Lacoste as one of downtown New York City's most influential professionals.
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Carl Stein, Panelist at NYU Emerging Markets Association Conference
Categories: 2008, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
Carl Stein, FAIA, co-founder, is a panelist at New York University Stern School of Business annual Emerging Markets Association Conference. The panel, which includes top business leaders, is titled ‘Sustainability and the Competitive Advantage of Countries and Firms.
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John Barboni Interviewed by Top Billing
Categories: 2008, Publicity, Sine Elemental, Sustainability
John Barboni, Co-Founder, is featured in South Africa's Top Billing Magazine and primetime television segment as one of New York City’s top creative forces to discuss elemental and sustainable architecture.
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Elemental Selected by Print Magazine – Best of 2007
Categories: 2007, Publicity, Sine Elemental
Print Magazine selects elemental as among the best brand and identity developments of 2007 and is included in Print’s Regional Design Annual for New York City. The name and brand identity were developed, incorporating the golden mean, Helvetica typeface, and monochromatic presentation, as informed by a minimalist aesthetic.
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John Barboni Interviewed in Men’s Uno Hong Kong
Categories: 2007, Publicity, Sine Elemental
John Barboni, co-founder, is featured in November issue of Men’s Uno Hong Kong fashion magazine where he discusses architecture, sustainability and elemental.
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CUNY Video: Preserving the Past, Building for the Future at City College
Architect George Post’s neo-gothic confection at City College “would be almost impossible to conceive of today,” says architect Carl Stein, who recently completed a two-decade restoration that uses modern technology and materials while remaining faithful to Post’s artistic vision.